小学英语教师资格面试—《A letter to a pen friend》教案

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A letter to a pen friend



(1)能听懂、会说、会读和会拼单词和词组:an e-mail, a fax machine, a telephone number, writing paper, an envelope, a postcard, glue, writhing paper

(2)能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Can I have a/an/some/the...?

What for?

I want to ...

Sure. Here you are.




1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼单词和词组:an e-mail, a fax machine, a telephone number, writing paper, an envelope, a postcard, glue, writhing paper

2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Can I have a/an/some/the...?

What for?

I want to ...

Sure. Here you are.





Free talk

T:What day/date is it today?

What is the weather like today?

What are you going to do tomorrow?

Is he/she going to ...?



Lead in

T:I’m going to write a letter to my pen friend this weekend.


T:Yes, today learn Unit 7 A letter to a pen friend.

揭题:Unit 7 A letter to a pen friend.

T:I’m going to write a letter to my pen friend this weekend. What do I need?

Teach: an envelope

In the same way teach: a postcard

writing paper


T: I want an envelope, a post card, some writing paper and some glue to write a letter.

From this sentence what can you find?

T:I want to write to my pen friend, because I want to tell him/her something about me.

Are there any other ways to tell him/her something about me?

Teach: an e-mail

T: Anything else?

T: Yes, to make a telephone call, I must know his/her telephone number.

Teach: a telephone number

T: Anything else?

T: Yes, to make a fax I must have a fax machine.

Teach: a fax machine

Review the words

3.Pairs work.

T: I want to write a letter, so I need an envelope, a post card, some writing paper and some glue to write a letter.

But can I have some crayons.

Do you want to know what I want to do?

You can ask me.

Teach: What for?

T: I want to draw a picture.

4. Homework

(1)Copy the new words and phrases.

(2)Make dialogues.

Prepare for Part A


Can I have a/an/some/the...?

What for?

I want to ...

Sure. Here you are.

