

  36. In 1700, the men who protected the streets were paid.

  A. a few      B.  nothing

  C.  a little     D.  a lot

  37. About 300 years ago, many people.

  A. wanted to leave London        B.  had big houses in London

  C.  became policemen            D.  came to live in London

  38. People didnt leave their houses because.

  A. they had no money            B.  they were afraid of losing money

  C.  the city was not clean          D.  they liked homes

  39. The “Bow Street Runners”.

  A. stopped people stealing         B.  stole money

  C.  paid people to steal            D.  stopped people riding horses

  40. Today, police officers who ride horses are paid.

  A. the same as their workmates      B.  more than their workmates

  C.  half as much as their workmates   D.  less than their workmates

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