


  One possible version:


  1. Warm-up:

  Read and act Book 3, Unit 4. Lets do. Show word cards for animals.

  2. Preview:

  (1) Write “ jump, walk, fly” on the black board. Teacher says, “ Jump like a rabbit. Walk like an elephant. Fly like a bird.” Get students to do actions.

  (2) When students are doing actions, the teacher can ask: “ What are you doing?” Help students to answer: “ Im jumping like a rabbit.”

  “ Im walking like an elephant.”

  “ Im flying like a bird.”

  3. Presentation:

  Lets start.

  Show the big picture. Ask: What is the…doing?

  Lets learn.

  (1) Show some pictures of animals one by one. Ask: Look at the… What is it doing? Get the students to say: Its flying! The bird is flying.

  Its walking. The… is walking.

  Its jumping. The… is jumping.

  (2) Show word cards, and get the students to describe the picture with the Present Tense. See who responses quickly.

  Lets play.

  Ask a boy and a girl come to the front. The boy acts like an animal and gets the other classmates to guess, e.g. “ Its a rabbit.” Then the girl does an action and gets the other classmates to say a sentence: “The rabbit is jumping.”

  ( pig—walk, squirrel—jump, duck—swim, dog—eat)

  Lets chant.

  Listen, read and act the chant.

  4. Consolidation and extension:

  (1) Learn the four-skilled words by heart.

  (2) Task time.

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