

  Ⅴ. 补全对话/Finish the dialogues(10分)


  A:Whats the date today?

  B:Its June 16.

  A:54 Then its the Dragon Boat Festival today, isnt it?

  B:Yes. 55

  A:Did you have rice dumplings this morning?

  B:Sure. 56

  A:I didnt.

  B:What a pity! But I happen to have got some with me. 57

  A:Id love to. By the way, why do you call it the Dragon Boat Festival?

  B:Because in China, people race dragon boats this day every year.

  A:Oh, I see. 58

  B:You are welcome.

  A. We Chinese usually eat rice dumplings this day.

  B. I hate eating rice dumplings.

  C. Thank you for your rice dumplings.

  D. I dont think so.

  E. Would you like to have one?

  F. Already?

  G. How about you?

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