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2023-03-24 11:24 事业单位考试网 https://hb.huatu.com/湖北事业单位考试群 文章来源:湖北华图


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The modern society is a competition and cooperation, thus need to modern talents society not only should have the sense of competition, the more should have cooperation consciousness. We should not only keep independent individual consciousness, self-improvement, self-reliance, too. Meanwhile, the more will have collective concept and team spirit. Total inch, and work together, co-prosperity. Male with positive build a harmonious competition environment, thereby better play to the individual wisdom and creativity, accelerate the personal life enterprising and group career success.

In Darwin’s theory of evolution is given to competition in penetrating answer: with or dissimilar biological in order to fight for the limited resources and impose each other adverse influence on human society the phenomenon, the ’competition among from this Angle of contending understanding, people may be limited, power, status, money, opportunity and time etc. Competition is nature and human social development of universal law.

Competition can provoke a boundless wisdom and competition. Everyone has a guide struggle to win the desire, a willingness to show ego value. According to the research of scientists confirmed the competition and the important significance of winning. They assert: to win - in a game, a sport or any one thing - to a person’s self-esteem and health has profound significance. Individual through constant competition and to win in the process, can change a person on future life attitude, constant success will establish a man’s self-confidence and summon up people’s high ambition. Heavy rekindled the inner enthusiasm. Maximize out a person’s creativity. In contrast, a fear competition, all the people life with no timidity warm courage and to meet the challenge, for it will only waste time and time again, the machine back to life, forever shrouded morsel in the shadow of failure.

Competition and can make a is on the verge of despair team the rejuvenated magic. Ancient Japanese old fishermen found if will a few lively sardines into with sex of a group of salvageable. Because of laziness catfishms upside down in the sardines in active walking, walking scurrying about to bring a crisis, they swam furiously and avoid a stifled by dry-rot. This because Nian and effect is the famous. Nian and effect also apply to social groups, experienced managers in the face of a no energy to team, they will introduce a number of vigorous, affirmative action, in order to disrupt new group of original have formed a relatively stable relationships. By working with new people, RuLangShiHu defying the strong, all win. It makes the original dared to the old in order to maintain their own interests have to emancipate the mind active action action to adapt to the fierce competition (and, according to the scientists research proof potential crisis will be more arouse people to make the competition between) group radiate new vitality and creativity. Competition and cooperation is unified indivisible. Competition requires cooperation, and cooperation to promote competition. In a harmonious harmonious team members mutual love, mutual benefit, complementary aspects. The information needed for the competition itself into each other retention, knowledge and experience spread and draw from each other. As a celebrity said: you have a thought that I had a thought, we exchange, we each have two thoughts. So through cooperation team to have more ideas.

Not only such, a rich collective emotional and team spirit of community, due to internal members have collective common goals and mutual cooperation. Thus the maximum limit reduced the group’s internal consumption. Thus able to gather the immensely powerful groups wisdom and creativity. Form a invincible, GongWuBuKe team.

Competition and cooperation are social progress of success in life force. Competition and cooperation is a pair of good build the checkers. Once when people move know, six men, each, each other is competition rebar party hands. Everybody’s move to each other, not a predecessors six single glass ball moved intended location as soon as possible. If you only stressing cooperation, give up competition. For others blindly, that others will remove obstacles to reach the destination. Hot you will fall behind, eventually end up a defeat. On the contrary, if you only pay attention to competition, and ignore the cooperation over-allocation demolition. The way of others, but delayed your own business. You still won’t win.

In the current market competition conditions win-win cooperation has become the common understanding our competitive parties should conform to the trend, actively participate in fair positive competition, meanwhile the more to strengthen equal sincere cooperation. Open to confident good psychology face competition and cooperation. 希望对你有帮助





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