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2015武汉事业单位面试备考:高中英语说课稿《Unit 4》

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2015武汉事业单位面试备考:高中英语说课稿《Unit 4》由湖北教师考试网提供同步湖北人事考试网。更多关于武汉事业单位,事业单位面试,说课稿,湖北教师招聘备考技巧的内容,请关注湖北教师考试频道/湖北人事考试网!咨询电话:027-87870401。湖北教师考试交流群:湖北教师考试群

  新教材高一英语Unit 4说课教案




  1) 语言知识:

  单词:理解,内化,运用以下生词:seismograph; iceberg; King Tut; // roar; fright; crack; // bookworm; couch potato; workaholic;// Buddha; agent等,扫除听读障碍,重点掌握一些传神动词:advance; seize; sweep; swallow; drag; pull; flow; shake; strike; struggle等.

  词组:get on one's feet; tree after tree


  2) 语言技能:



  读:Scanning, skimming, careful reading, generalization; inference等阅读微技能训练.

  写: 能运用First, Next, Then, Finally简要且富有逻辑地描写自己的一次难忘经历.

  3) 学习策略:学生一定程度形成自主学习,有效交际,信息处理,英语思维能力.

  4) 情感态度:学生能在多种英语学习情景中分享自己的幸与不幸,体验用英语交流的成功与喜悦,以及培养合作精神,互助精神.


  重点:1. 课文中出现的重要动词,如:advance, seize, sweep, swallow, strike, struggle, drag, flow, shake, 及词组 get on one's feet, pull oneself, tree after tree etc.

  2. 用关系代词who, that, whom, whose等引导的定语从句 .

  3. 用副词 first, next, then, finally 来描述一场难忘的经历.

  难点: 能用得体的英语表达自己,描述过去的难忘经历.

  三. 教学方法


  四. 教学安排


  Period I warming up and listening


  本课处于本单元的第一课时,主要训练和提高学生'听'的技能,它的掌握有利于以下几课的'说','读'和'写'的技能训练,并作了一个很好的铺垫.本课的听力材料由两部分组成,主要讲述Hank Stram在地震前所做,地震中所见,所闻和所感的令人难忘的经历.通过完成练习,学生能抓住所听语段中的关键词,理解话语之间的逻辑关系,听懂故事,理解其中主要人物和事件以及他们之间的关系等.而且学生能掌握较好的听力方法,如积极预测,注意抓关键词,善于跳跃难点,学会做笔记等等.通过本课学习学生能复习定语从句以及学会正确使用指人或物的关系代词.


  A. Warming up :

  Task 1 Matching competition (group work)

  Column A Column B

  1, Fu Jian Province a,a cartoon maker

  2, San Francisco b,the electric lamp

  3, Alexander Bell c,the first telephone

  4, Thomas Edison d,earthquake

  5, Albert Einstein e,typhoon

  6, Walt Disney f,the Theory of Relativity

  Question: Why do you think so

  Task2: Looking at the following pictures, find out the answers to the questions:

  1) Do you know who or what they are

  2) What made them unforgettable

  3) Can you describe each picture using one sentence( with the help of the words under the picture)

  Task 3: Let the students describe each picture with Attributive Clause.

  eg: Zhang Heng is the man who made the earliest seismograph in 132.

  B. Pre-listening

  Task1: Before listening , let the Ss guess the possible answers to the following questions according to the situation: (group work)

  1) When did the earthquake happen

  2) Where was the man driving when it happen

  3) What was he going to do

  Listening(Part 1):

  Task 2: Listening to the tape to get the correct answers to the above questions.(for the first time)

  Task 3: Listening to the tape to put the following into the right order.

  ( ) 1. I stopped the car and at the same time the road fell onto the cars in front of me.

  ( ) 2. I was hungry so I started to eat one.

  ( ) 3. I saw the cars in front of me start to move from side to side.

  ( ) 4. I had finished work and then gone to the Post Office.

  ( ) 5. I slowed down ,then my car started to shake.

  ( ) 6. I stopped off at a shop in order to get some fresh fruit.

  ( ) 7. I drove even slower, then the road above started to fall down.

  Task 4: Letting the Ss listen to the tape again, then try to retell the story simply, using their own words.

  Task 5 : Discussion (Group work)

  What would happen to Hank Stram finally

  Listening (Part 2)

  Task1: Listening to the second part to choose the best choices(for the first time)

