

  Teaching procedures

  1.Topic: (1) Whos on duty today?

  (2) How are you?

  (3) Whats your name?

  (4) How many people are there in your family?

  (5) Who are they?

  Teacher talks freely with some students.

  2.Test. 出示课件

  Answer the following questions.

  Jim, Kate and their father and mother

  Is this Jim? Whos this? Whos that? Who are they? Father and mother?

  Teacher points to thire pictures and ask students.

  3. Presentation

  Showing the picture: Jims Family Tree

  Point to the picture and say “this is a family”.

  Ask: Whose family? Help Ss understand “Jims family tree”.

  Teacher points to each person in the picture in turn and asks:

  Who is this? (This is Jim Green.)

  Who is she? (She is Kate Green. Shes Jims sister.)

  Who is that man? (He is Jeff Green. He is Jims father.)

  Who is that woman? (She is Helen Green. She is Jims mother.)

  Who are Jeff and Helen? (They are Jims parents.)

  Who are Jean and Helen? (They are Jims grandma and grandpa.)

  Who is Jim? (…son)

  Who is Kate? (…daughter )

  Teacher may help Ss answer.

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