


  4. Practice: Students look at “Jims family tree”.

  Ask and answer in pairs.

  让3名学生到前面,指图随意问班上的任何同学几个问题。( like the teacher )

  Play the tape of part 1 for the students and let them read after the tape.

  Students read part 1 by themselves.



  Parent→father or mother

  Parents→father and mother

  Get the Ss try to draw “their own family trees”.

  Ask several Ss to introduce them.

  5. Read: Ss listen. Play the tape in the usual way. Give the students a chance to practise reading aloud as a large group and to their parents.

  Then ask a few individuals to read aloud to the class.

  6. Practice

  Get the students to work in pairs to write questions about the reading in part 2, One third of the class can write questions about the first part of the paragraph, another third about the middle and the last third about the end. After they have had a chance to prepare, get the students to read their questions aloud one by one. The rest of the class can give the answers.

  7.Exercises in class

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