




  A credit card that will not work unless it hears its owner's voice could become an important weapon in the fight agsinst fraud.

  The card requires users to give a spoken password that it recognizes using a built-in Voice-recognition chip.The idea is to prevent thieves using a stolen card or fraudsters using someone else’s credit card details to buy goods online.

  A model built by engineers at Beepcard in Santa Monica,California,represents the first attempt to pack a microphone。a loudspeaker,a battery and a voice?recognition chip into a standard.sized credit card.

  They are not quite there yet:the card is the length and width of an ordinary credit card,but it is still about three times as thick.Alan Sege ,Beepeard's CEO,says the company now plans to use smaller chips to slim it down to normal thickness.

  The voice card is based on an earlier Beepcard technology designed to prevent fraud in online transactions This earlier card has no microphone,but has a built?in loudspeaker that it uses to“squawk”a voice ID signal via a computer’s microphone to an online server.

  By verifyingthat the signal matches the card details,the server can establish that the user is not simply keying in a credit card number but actually has the card to hand.The ID code changes each time the card is used in a pre—ordered sequence that only the server knows.

  This prevents fraudsters recording the beeps,noting the card details and then playing back the audible ID when they key in the details later But this earlier technology cannot prevent fraudulent use of stolen cards The new one can.

  The new voice card also identifies itself by its ID squawk.but it will not do this until it has verified the legitimateuser’s spoken password Thieves will be unable to use the card because even if they knew the password they would have to be able to copy the owner’s voice with a high degree of accuracy

  The challenge for Beepcard has been to develop voice-recognition and audio circuitry that Can be powered by a mini battery embeddedin a credit card.To maximize battery life,the electronics are only switched on when the card is being used.Pressing a button on the card’s surface prompts it to utter “Say your password ”in female voice If the voice—recognition software proves that the password is authentic,it sends its ID squawk which the server then identifies.allowing the transaction to proceed.

  63.How can the credit card recognize the spoken password given by the user?

  A.By fixing a microphone in the card.

  B.By using a voice recognition device built in the server.

  C.By using a voice recognition chip embedded in the card.

  D.By fixing aloudspeaker in the card.

  64.What Alan Sege says shows that      .

  A.the engineers at Beepcard are satisfied with the model they have built

  B.the model they have built is a standardized credit card

  C.the model they have built is too thick

  D.the model they have built is used worldwide

  65.What is the main difference between the earlier model and the new woice card?

  A.The new one can identify itself by its ID squawk.

  B.The new one can produce beeps.

  C.The new one needs the user to key in ID details.

  D.The new one works only when it hears the password spoken by the user.

  66.What is the advantage of the voice card?

  A.It is cleverer because it requires more ID information.

  B.It is more complicated because the voice-recognition chip is built in.

  C.It is safer because no one but the user can use the card.

  D.It is safer because it can hardlu be cheated by fraudsters.

  67.According to the last paragraph,what is NOT involved in the process of using the voice card?

  A.Switching on the electronics to maximize the battery life.

  B.Pressing the "Say your password"button on the card's surface.

  C.The password being verified.

  D.The ID squawk being sent to the server gor it to identify.

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