


  One man thinks that working on the weekend can be dangerous.He is Graham Coates.Mr.Coates Works in an office in Brighton.England.

  Early on Tuesday morning,the vice president of the company came to work and found the elevator was not working.

  On Saturday,May 24,1986,he went to the office to do some work.When he got on the elevator,it stopped between floors.

  Many people have to work on the weekend.Some people do not mind.Other people think it is terrible.

  Now Mr.Coates says,”I only use elevators if there are telephones in them”.

  There was nothing for Mr.Coates to do.He had to wait until one of his co-workers came to work and found him.

  Mr.Coates could not get out of the elevator.He started to shout,but no one heard him.

  When the elevator was opened,Mr.Coates came out cold,weak,and tired.He had been in the elevator for 62 hours!

  Then Mr.Coates remembered that it was a holiday in England.No one was going to come to work until Tuesday!

  With nothing to eat or drink,Mr.Coates ended up sleeping for most of the time.

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  31.中外教育史上对教育的解说各不相同,但存在着一个共同的基本点。这个基本点是(   )

  A.教育是培养人的活动   B.教育是增长人的知识的活动

  C.教育是培养人的能力的活动   D.教育是提高人的素质的活动

  32.我国夏朝已有名叫“庠”、“序”、“校”的施教机构。记载这一史实的古代籍(   )

  A.《论语》 B.《礼记》 C.《大学》 D.《孟子》

  33.我国的教育目的可以概括为三个基本点。下列选项哪一个不属于基本点(   )

  A.培养“劳动者”  B.要求受教育者全面发展

  C.培养受教育者的独立个性  D.传授科学文化知识

  34.教师在教学过程中要发扬教学民主,它是实施下列哪一个教学基本原则的重要条件(   )

  A.直观性原则  B.启发性原则  C.可接受性原则  D.因材施教原则

  35.为了形成教育合力,班主任要加强与家长、任课教师和有关社会人士的联系协作。因此,班主任应当具备的相应基本素质是(   )

  A.高尚的思想品德       B.坚定的教育信念

  C.多方面的兴趣和才能   D.善于待人接物

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