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您当前位置:首页 > 湖北人事考试网 > 备考 > 面试辅导 > 2015武汉事业单位面试备考:高中英语说课稿《Unit 4》(3)

2015武汉事业单位面试备考:高中英语说课稿《Unit 4》(3)

2015-04-16 14:24 湖北人事考试网 http://hb.huatu.com/ 文章来源:湖北华图

  Task 2. Words in different situations

  Word study about "advance" and "strike" (individual work)

  Judge the different meanings of "advance" or "strike" in the following sentences:WWw.dAkAo8.com

  1.The hunter advanced toward the bear carefully.

  2.A month has passed but the project has not advanced.

  3.He worked so well that his boss advanced him to a higher position.

  4.The date of the meeting was advanced from June 10 to June 3.

  5.The boy struck the pig with a stick.

  6.The workers were striking for higher pay.

  7.Typhoon Swan struck Hainan, killing 20 people.

  8.On New Year's Eve, we waited for the clock to strike.

  Task 3. Finish the exercises in the text.

  Task 4. Talking about people and things, using Attributive Clause

  First, let students find out some words about things quickly like clock, homework, coat, chocolate, bag, flood, fire, etc from the exercise of word study and describe them as the following example: (pair work)

  A clock is a machine that/which tells time.

  Second, let students find out some words about persons quickly such as teacher,

  parents, doctor, mother, child, soldier and thief and describe them like this: (pair work)

  A teacher is a person who/that teaches you how to learn.

  Third, finish Exercise 2 of Grammar orally. (individual work)

  Task 5 . Expanded reading

  1.Read the following passage about fire and find out the Attributive Clauses in it and try to understand the use of the relative pronouns. (individual work)

  2. Reading comprehension

  Task 6. Finish Exercise 1 of Grammar. (individual work)


  Preview the next reading material and find out the Attributive Clauses with who, whom, that, which, whose, where and the linking words and and but.

  Period 6 Writing & assessment(1.5 periods)


  学生通过学习一篇四川之行的游记范文,能根据写作步骤提示,用First, Next, Then, Finally组织材料写一篇自己亲身游记(unforgettable trip),并能写出一两个含定语从句的句子.




  Activity 1. remind of the unforgettable experiences

  In our daily, many things are unforgettable. They are worth writing down. For example, (显示画面)a disaster; a war; a match; a speech; a film; a famous person; a talk with somebody; a trip; etc.


  Activity 2. travel around our country.

  For me, going on a trip is really unforgettable because it is exciting and there are a lot to see in our motherland. Look at the pictures and guess where it is.

  Beijing; *The Great Wall; *Mount Huangshan *Mountain Emei; *Hainang Seaside; etc. (Or local places of interests.)


  Activity 3. A trip to Sichuan

  During the first week of May, the three boys went on a holiday to Sichuan. Read and find what made the writer unforgettable. (Buddha in Leshan; Monkeys on Mount Emei.)

  Read again and answer the following questions:

  1. Why did they choose to go to Leshan and Emei

  2. How did they get to the top of the mountains

  3. What did they do before the trip (First, Next )

  4. What did they see and do on Leshan

  5. What did they see and do on Mount Emei

  Pair work: Retell the trip to Sichuan, with the help of the following:

  During the first week of May I went on a holiday to Sichuan. First.Next.

  The next dayLeshan

  The next morning Emei



  Task-cycle: M-M-C practice ① mechanical practice


  Find the sentence with the following meaning:

  1) 我找出一些成都附近名胜的照片.

  2) 我接着打电话给一旅行社,我在报纸上发现它的号码.

  3) 我们带了几瓶水,一些苹果和橘子,装入我的包里.

  4) 我们先去乐山,在那里我们一直爬到山顶看佛像.

  ② meaningful practice


  围绕Unforgettable trip主题用which; whose; where等造句.

  ③ communicative practice


  1. First, students quickly write down 20 short sentences about their trip, with the help of questions in the text.

  2. Next, students try to put the sentences in order, using "First, Next, Then, Finally"

  3. Then, students write the story, using linking words and relative pronouns.


  同伴评价实际上是合作形学习的一种形式,其重要理论基础就是考卡夫(Kafka, K)最早提出的"群体动力理论"(group dynamics).

  四, 教学评价


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