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2020-11-26 10:14 公务员考试 https://hb.huatu.com/国家公务员考试群 文章来源:湖北教师招聘考试网








  In the past decade, some of the farmers in the west of China have met with some success in the struggle against the expanding desert. They have been able to use less farmland than in the past. Their output of crops, however, is still the same, which makes it possible for them to use the remaining farmland for planting trees. They are starting to win small battles in the great war against the disturbing growth of the desert.








  Teaching Procedure:

  I. Lead-in

  Show students a video of serious desertification in China and ask students to talk about their feelings after watching.

  II. Presentation

  1. Play the tape for the students and ask students what the passage is about.

  2. Students listen to the tape again and they to answer the following questions:

  (1) What do the farmers in the west China struggle against?

  (2) What do the farmers do with the remaining farmland?

  (3) Are they starting to win in the battle against the disturbing growth of the desert?

  3. Show students the passage, ask students to listen to the tape for the third time and check their answers. Meanwhile, pay attention to the v-ing structures used before nouns in the passage. Students underline these structures in the passage and the teacher explains their adjective usage.

  III. Practice

  (1) Show a short passage on the screen. Students fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words given.

  He asked an ______ (embarrass) question. His mother was watching TV in the ______ (live) room, while his father was taking care of the ______ (sleep) sister. The ______ (remain) food was in the refrigerator. No one wanted to make the dinner.

  (2) Provide the following words for the students and ask them to make sentences with the v-ing forms of these words.

  swim read wait work open develop run

  IV. Consolidation

  Four students a group, discuss about the solutions that they can come up with to deal with the desertification in China. List their solutions and later the teacher asks several groups to share.

  V. Summary

  Students summarize what they have learnt in this lesson and the usage of v-ing structure, and the teacher gives supplement if necessary, and reminds them the importance of protecting the environment.

  VI. Homework

  Students surf the Internet for more information of desertification around the world.




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