2015年湖北公务员考试密卷押题班 关闭

地址:武汉市东湖开发区珞瑜路889号光谷国际广场A座23楼电话:027-86659239 87616280 87870401

地址:武汉市洪山区武珞路洪山亚贸广场写字楼B座1188室电话:027—87607098 87605218

地址:武汉市江汉区解放大道688号武汉广场3503室电话:027-85447051 85717010

地址:黄石市黄石港区王家里总部经济大厦三楼电话:0714-6287076 18986593600

地址:荆州市荆州区荆州中路文化广场名品街2楼华图教育(即城中城旁边)电话:0716-8458191 18062361182徐老师

地址:咸宁市温泉路华辰大厦505室(温泉区中百仓储对面)电话:0715-8129687 18062320951 18062320953

地址:孝感市孝南区人民广场南端大楼三楼左侧电话:0712-2824060 13396181840李老师

地址:黄冈市黄州区东门路1号摩尔城2A-318室电话:0713-8829114 15387192552蔡老师

地址:宜昌市西陵区东山大道129号时代天骄A801-03电话:0717—6217631 6517106 18071317937

地址:襄阳市襄城区中共市委党校(鼓楼对面)电话:0710—3512719 18995670576

地址:十堰市五堰柳林路步行街入口香港旺角大厦1506室电话:0719-8121421 15327998257刘老师

地址:恩施市土桥大道237号(三孔桥头、东阳酒店4楼)即享买乐超市旁电话:0718-8021527 17707184660

地址:湖北省荆门市象山大道33号荆楚理工学院B2-206电话:18062361183徐老师 18062361181程老师

地址:鄂州市工人文化宫职业培训学校三楼招生办公室(鄂州市文星大道58号)电话:0711-3210265 18971988316杨老师

地址:随州市水西门转盘格林豪威酒店817室电话:0722-3233935 13042757277刘老师



您当前位置:首页 > 湖北人事考试网 > 备考 > 面试辅导 > 2015武汉事业单位面试:小学英语


2015-04-16 16:34 湖北人事考试网 http://hb.huatu.com/ 文章来源:湖北华图





  会拼读多音节词interesting, exciting, difficult, boring, expensive,知道意思;

  感知句型:This book is more interesting than that one. This game is the most exciting. I think it is more difficult/the most difficult.




  拼读单词:interesting, exciting, difficult, boring, expensive





  video. CD .word cards



  Greeting to teacher.

  Nice to meet you ,too !

  Answer teacher’s questions

  It’s a book.


  Answer questions

  Yes I do. /No I don’t.

  Translate the dialogue in groups with teacher’s questions.

  Know about “e”.

  Watch the video

  They are Ken Ann and Mocky .

  They went to the bookstore.

  An e-book.

  Monkey King.


  Watch the dialogue again and draw a line .

  Answer questions about the dialogue.

  Listen to the dialogue ,talk about the meaning of the dialogue together.

  Read the words follow the teacher .

  Listen and repeat the dialogues.

  read follow teacher.

  Listen & guess the right picture.

  Boys for Ken

  Girls for Ann

  Teacher for Mockey.

  Act the story in groups.

  (二)教 师 活 动

  一: Warming up


  Nice to meet you!

  二: Language preparation

  1 Show a English books & ask

  What’s this? It’s a ________.

  We can buy it in _________.

  Do you like English book/music book/story book/comic book ?

  2 For the title

  Today we will learn “Buying e-book”.(write the title )

  Do you know e-book?

  Explain “e”. e-mail?

  三: learn the story

  1 Watch and answer.(Show the video)

  Ask students to watch the video with the question :

  Who are they?

  Where did they go last Sunday?

  What book did they buy at last?

  What’s the name of the e-book?

  Do you know the Chinese meaning?


  2 Show the video.

  What books did they found before e- book? Draw a line under the book.

  3 Listen & translate.

  play the video one by one and talk about the meaning

  (write the new words or put the word cards on blackboard.)

  4 Read & spell

  Read the words .

  四: Practice

  1 Watch & repeat

  Play the video again.

  Play it one by one

  2 Read

  Ask students to read follow teacher.

  3 Game

  Listen to the dialogue and guess the right picture .

  4 Act the story in different roles.

  Read mockey’s speaking.

  5 Act the story in groups.


  1 Repeat the story five times

  2 Read the dialogues & try to know the text.


  Unit 10 Buying e-books

  Lesson 1

  interesting exciting difficult

  boring expensive

  This book is interesting.

  This book is more interesting . (than that one.)

  This book is the most interesting.



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